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Gaia Sisterhood in conjunction with spirits of the earth and Stephanie urbina jones of freedom folk and soul presents

A Pilgrimage to the South of France

A Sacred Journey Into the Heart 


A sacred journey into the Energies of Maria Magdalene's Priestesshood and Sarah's Code of Light.

May 22 - June 1, 2025

You are invited to Experience

10 Days and 9 Nights

in the South of France

to Uncover the Legends and Commune with the Energies Shrouding

the Deep Divine Feminine 

of the Magdalen and her Daughter Sarah

 The Maria Magdalena Priestesshood is a path of remembering our Divine Feminine Christ Self and the embodiment of this power here and now. This is a path of Self Mastery that allows the Unconditional Love of our Higher Self to guide us to live an extraordinay life. This is a path to Your True Divine Essence. 

Sarah's Code of Light: 

A Journey of Divine Awakening

Sarah's Code of Light is a living transmission from the Divine to your heart. As you walk through holy grounds and sacred temples, you will attune your heart and mind to activate the waves of Sarah's Light transmission.

This sacred journey creates a quantum space where you can command the embodiment of your own divine awakening. Join us to experience the profound transformation and divine connection that awaits. Embrace the light. Embrace your awakening. Embrace your divine journey.


(Vera Lopez during Sarah's Code of Light Initiation)

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Annual Pilgrimage to Honor Saint Sarah-la-Kali

Each year in the second half of May, the Romani community gathers to venerate Saint Sarah-la-Kali, "Sarah the Black," who protects the Romani people wherever they live. This sacred gathering takes place in the French township of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer in the south of France.

Thousands of Romani families—from the elderly to young children—travel from various European countries and beyond to participate in this profound event. The pilgrimage transforms the tranquil town into a vibrant medieval celebration.

This annual pilgrimage is a beautiful tapestry of devotion, tradition, and community, making Les Saintes Maries de la Mer a center of color, sound, and spiritual connection.

May 22, day 1

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Our pilgrimage officially begins today at 3 PM in the conference center of our hotel. We encourage you to arrive a few days early to explore other parts of France, including Marseille, the town where we start our journey.

We will gather for a Welcome Orientation at 3 PM in the hotel's conference center. To ensure you are well-rested and ready, we recommend arriving at least the day before the orientation.

In the evening, we will come together for a beautiful opening ceremony to mark the beginning of our sacred journey.

We look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you.

Day 2, May 23
Pilgrimage to Grotte Ste Baume

​Opening our hearts to listen to our Sister Magdalene's guidance, we will climb the beautiful old forest of Grotte Ste Baume, where the ancient grotto of Mary Magdalene lies embedded in the side of the mountain. This astonishing cavern cathedral, carved into the mountain, is the cave from which Magdalene is said to have ascended, surrounded by thirty angels. Legends tell that Mary Magdalene lived here during the last years of her life. Royals and nobles visited this remote cliff sanctuary, making the pilgrimage up the hill. This act of devotion to Mary Magdalene was so popular that a “Royal Road” was created to ease the journey.

The beautiful landscape leading us to the holy grotto was called “Mother Dragon” by the Celts. As we climb the Royal Road, our intention is to activate within ourselves the balance of the Divine Feminine (Magdalene) and the Divine Masculine (Dragons). We look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you.

​​We then depart to ​Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer to celebrate with the Gypsies the Maries: Maria Magdalena, Marie-Salome, Marie-Jacobe as well the Gypsies Patron, Sarah (the beloved child of Maria Magdalena and Jesus).​


days 3 and 4, May 24 and 25

The Enchanting Pilgrimage to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer—the 'Saint Marys of the Sea'—is a picturesque fishing village nestled on the south-central coast of Mediterranean France in the Camargue region of Bouches-du-Rhône. This ancient site, venerated by Celts, Romans, Christians, and more recently, the Romani Gypsies, holds a rich tapestry of history and legend.  Each year on May 24 and 25, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer hosts the Pèlerinage des Gitans, or 'Pilgrimage of the Gypsies'. In the weeks leading up to the festival, thousands of Romani people converge upon the village from all over Europe, transforming it into a vibrant hub of celebration, dance, and feast.

A Sacred Legend.


According to local lore, after the resurrection of Christ, Mary Magdalene, Marie-Salome, Marie-Jacobe, Lazarus, and several other disciples were forced to flee the Holy Land by boat in 45 AD. Their perilous journey across the Mediterranean ended near what is now Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. While the legend does not specify the subsequent fate of all passengers, Marie-Salome and Marie-Jacobe became venerated figures among the local populace. The village church enshrines three revered statues: those of Marie-Salome, Marie-Jacobe, and Sarah-la-Kali. The origins of Sarah-la-Kali are shrouded in mystery. Some  believe she was a powerful local queen, while others suggest she might have been an ancient pagan goddess. There is also a compelling belief that Sarah was the child of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, carrying the Holy Bloodline.


May 24th: The Arrival of the Saints. On the afternoon of May 24th, pilgrims fill the church and crowd its surroundings, eagerly awaiting the descent of the saints' statues. The statues of the two Marys are first lowered from their high storage place in an ancient reliquary. As the relics descend, the pilgrims, driven by religious fervor, reach out to touch them, believing this act brings healing and protection from misfortune. Next, the statue of Sarah-la-Kali is brought forth from an underground crypt. Carried on the shoulders of the Romani people and accompanied by jubilant pilgrims, Sarah is taken in a grand procession to the sea. Upon her return to the church, Sarah, along with the two Marys, is venerated throughout the night by the passing pilgrims.


Saints Mary Jacobe and Mary Salome


Saint Sarah-la-Kali

May 25th: The Procession to the Sea. The following morning, on May 25th, the statues of the two Marys are placed in a boat and taken in a grand and colorful procession into the sea. This ceremony marks the culmination of the pilgrimage. In the afternoon, a farewell ceremony is held for the saints, after which the gypsies begin to depart. The village of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer then returns to its tranquil existence.


Join us in this profound spiritual journey to Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Experience the deep-rooted traditions, the vibrant celebrations, and the unwavering devotion of the Romani community. This pilgrimage offers a unique opportunity to connect with a rich spiritual heritage and witness the living legends of the saints in a setting of extraordinary natural beauty.

Journey to the Heart of Cathar Country

After the close of the festivities, touched by Sarah's Code of Light, we leave the magical Mediterranean energy to  the holy land of the Cathars.  ​Sweet Dreams!


Day 5, May 26

Bringing us closer to nature with contemplation, organic homegrown food amid the Pyrenees mountainous backdrop drenched in history and healing power we will spend our next days. Welcome to Magic!

The Cathars, the peaceful ‘heretics of the Languedoc’ of Southern France, who were they?

The Cathars called themselves Pure Ones after the Goddess known as the Pure One, their term for the Virgin Great Creator Mother Mary (meaning ‘love’). The reason the Church resorted to the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Cathars most certainly had to do with their alternative views about Jesus.

They claimed to possess a secret Book of Love (Mary, TARA). This mysterious manuscript is attributed to Jesus who gave it to John the Divine. It was transmitted through the centuries until the Knights Templar and the Cathars adopted it. The Book of Love was the foundation of the Cathar Church of Love or Amor (the reverse of Roma). 

The existence of this lost (or hidden) gospel was revealed when the Catholic Church subjected the Cathars and Templar (in 1308) to torture. Its contents were a secret skill (symbolized by the Templar skull) said to grant one the ability to control the forces of nature and to transform ordinary human blood into that of the wise, holy and pure blood of life of the immortal Illi. It is equated with the Holy Grail. We will explore the wisdom of the Cathars from the heart of the Pyrenees Mountains!


​Day 6, May 27

After a restful night, we gather in circle to open our hearts and welcome the transmissions of love and light we are about to receive. In each step of our pilgrimage we create new levels of a vibrational field, and each level takes us to our true self, the Cosmic Man/Woman of Light.

Many of you have watched the movie, The Da Vinci Code (if you haven't I recommend) and have heard their short interpretation about the Rennes-le-Chateau, Mary Magdalena Church. Today we will learn all about it, including the  life of  Sauniere and its mysteries, getting a sense of the place and its history, an important introduction before we walk through the portals of initiations hidden in small details.

Time to process, integrate, rest.

Sweet Dreams!


Day 7, May 28

This morning of Initiations will lead us to our own inner Grail as we enter the dimensional door ways of light, now no longer hidden from us, and experience our own inner awakening. Vera will assist and support our connection to the portals and dimensions this magical temple has to offer.

After a lovely lunch we return to our final moments at the Church. We will spend quality time in silent meditation to  integrate and attune deeper to all we received and with a Grateful heart we depart.

​Evening Circle : Under the magical skies, ancient myths, sacred land and healing sounds, we will enter the realm where the Healing Music of the Heart will seal our journey of remembering our true self and embody our Divine Self.

​Time to process, integrate, rest. Sweet Dreams!

Day 8, May 29

The Portals of Light continue to open for us, today through the Gorges des Galamus. In the heart of the Pyrenees mountains, the Gorge De Galamus is an amazing cavernous slope with a sparkling river beneath balconies of stone. Serpentine twists in the road reveal spectacular views of the natural limestone caves. Celtic Shamans lived and meditated in these caves, believing to be portals to the Otherworld. Here we will partake of the special energies in this intriguing sanctuary, with its enigmatic magic square carved in stone and shrine dedicated to Maria Magdalene.

Fontaine des Amours

It's believed that Maria Magdalene baptised people and initiationed them into early Christianity. At Le Benitier which means - Baptismal Font a place where two rivers meet, the Sals and the Blanque, we will connect with the energy of these holy waters and its medicine, and allow its pure properties to bless and baptise us into our new path of Priest/Priestess of Maria Magdalena and the Dragons. 

After lunch, we complete our sacred journey through a meditative  walk leading us to The Chair of Isis and The Chair of Osiris. These old chairs have been placed on powerful points of energy in a big sacred pattern around the two Rennes. One of the chairs is connected to the Earth and the other to the Heaven – Divine Female and Male.  This will be our final Initiation. Bring your vows to Maria Magdalene Christ Consciousness to walk in beauty and in integrity to the Divine Being You Are. 


Day 9, May 30

A Magical Morning: Embracing Our New Future

As we gather on this magical morning in our hotel, we take the time to process the profound transmission of wisdom, light, and love we have received throughout our sacred pilgrimage.The Journey's Gift.

Having stepped away from our fast-paced, stressed lives, this pilgrimage has offered us countless possibilities for a renewed future. We have been blessed beyond imagination with inspiration, initiations, and the opportunity to release and transcend past limiting beliefs. This freedom allows us to step confidently into a new future filled with hope and potential.

We have transformed through our ceremonies: initiations, baptisms, and anointing. These sacred rituals have guided us to the deep knowing of Sara's Code of Light and the Mary Magdalene Priestesshood. We are now a Sacred Congregation, united in heart and mind. Our hearts have become our temples, where love and the divine feminine and masculine reside in beautiful harmony. As we move forward, we carry with us the balance and blessings we have embraced during this pilgrimage.

Welcome to a new chapter of your life, filled with light, love, and divine connection.Afternoon we travel to Toulouse, Sweet Dreams!

day 10, may 31

Free Day in Toulouse, to rest and or explore. 

For those going home, we hug our goodbyes tonight, for those joining us to Paris, tomorrow we leave early. 

Embracing the Sacred Within. Our journey has led us to experience the sacred and discover the magic that lives within us. We have been invited to live our life in alignment with these profound experiences.

​Sweet Dreams!

June 1 to June 4th, 2025

Image by Anthony Tan

 Discover the Divine Feminine in Paris

Join us in exploring the ancient city of Lutece, now known as Paris, once dedicated to Isis and later to Mary the Virgin Mother. Walk in the footsteps of the Divine Feminine, connecting with the energy lines and sacred sites like La Madeleine, Notre-Dame de Paris, St. Sulpice, St. Germain des Prés, and Chartres Cathedral.

​Chartres Cathedral: Walk the powerful labyrinth, explore the ancient Druid learning site, and connect with its sacred healing well. The Louvre: Discover Renaissance paintings and ancient Egyptian exhibits. Cluny Museum: See the 'Lady with the Unicorn' tapestries depicting the six senses. Culinary Delights: Enjoy wine tastings, visits to chocolate art studios, and the exquisite cuisine of Paris.

Are you ready to embark on this
Pilgrimage to the South of France?


If you have been a longtime participant in Gaia Sisterhood retreats, you know we typically offer a deposit option for our larger retreats. For our journey to France we  are allowing seekers to pay a one time deposit or split your deposit into two payments. You may also contact Jennifer or Stephanie  or Vera Lopez to discuss the trip or to be part of upcoming calls!

If you are lead to register, scroll down and let us know.

Pilgrimge Registration


Pilgrimage to the South of France

~10 Days/9 Nights of Priestesshood

~Entrance Fees to all Sacred Sites

~Double Occupancy Rooms

~Ground Transportation

~Ceremonial and Spiritual Guidance

~Daily Meditations

~Sisterhood and Connection

Total Cost:  $6,200

Deposit:  $1,500 

If you are ready to say YES and enroll

You may pay your deposit TODAY  to ensure your spot and we will email you the registration form and terms and agreement AFTER receiving your deposit. 

Send payment via Zelle to: 928.399.9546

Under the name Vera Hostler


***Single Occupancy available for an additional charge.

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i am ready!

Registration for our Pilgrimage to Mary Magdalen, Sarah, and the South of France is now open!  If you would like to join us, please email with a letter of intention of why you are inspired to take this journey.

Love & Blessings

Included in your journey:

  • 10 days, 9 nights accommodation;

  • Full time Journey Facilitators: Jennifer Harvard, Stephanie Urbina Jones, and Vera Lopez

  • Breakfast each Day.

  • All entrance fees for stated tour sites;

  • All ground transportation for tour mentioned and private driver;

  • Ceremonies and Spiritual guidance/support on your sacred journey;

  • Daily Meditation;

  • A guaranteed heart to heart journey.

Not  included
in your journey

  • All Flights and airport taxes;

  • All transport costs outside of and not included in this itinerary such as upon arrival and departure and free day;

  • All insurance, including personal liability, medical and/or baggage insurance, etc.;

  • Tour Leaders, Guides and driver Tips.

  • Lunch & Dinner each day.

Meet Your Guides on Your journey to france:

Jennifer Harvard


Jennifer Harvard, founder of Gaia Sisterhood is a Nashville, TN native. Jennifer has spent a lifetime educating herself  on the principals of natural health and healing. Founder of the Wise Women Full Moon Retreats, Gaia Circles and the Goddess Craft Markets, she has cast a wide net of openness and inclusivity, welcoming as many women as possible into her Divine Feminine work.  "Much of my work today involves using Ritual and Ceremony to create Safe space for women to gather in community and honor each turn in the Celtic Wheel Of the Year." [read more...]


Vera lopez

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Vera Lopez is the founder of Spirits of the Earth, aspiritual adventure company established in 1989 that provides transformational experiences through travel to seekers around the world. With her extensive knowledge of sacred places, Vera has become one of the most respected guides of Machu Picchu and has dedicated her life to guiding others to explore spiritual sites such as Sedona, AZ, France, Spain, Avalon, and Brazil.
Vera is also a spiritual group leader, shaman, and PachaMama's priestess. [read more...]

urbina jones

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Stephanie Urbina Jones, co-founder of Freedom Folk and Soul, is a Toltec teacher, dreamer, seeker, minister and mid-wife shamama leading journeys of transformation in the US and  all over the world . She brings joy everywhere she goes and guides folks on their journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation, empowering those who seek to live a life of passion, purpose, and personal freedom. Stephanie is an an author, an award winning songwriter and artist  with her history making  Honky Tonk Mariachis. [read more...]  

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We each have spent our lives following the call of Spirit. We hope you will join us on this Pilgrimage to embrace the Divine Feminine energies through the stories of Mary Magdalene and her daughter Sarah. 

~Jennifer, Vera, and Stephanie

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